Hi, friends. It has been a while since I have personally posted here because, well, frankly, life has been happily boring these days during my ministry sabbatical. In case you had not heard, I am now officially cancer free. My healing did not come in an instant miracle, but the end result is so good even if I had to walk out some dark-valley-days battling through the medical process. I knew that I wouldn’t die from this, but I did anticipate a battle. God prepared me, sustained me and delivered me. This is why the Lord calls his kids to endure trials and difficulties. If we do not quit, we will meet Him in profound ways, and He will accomplish His plans on our behalf. Whether or not I was ever healed, He had proved Himself worthy of trust and obedience. He has been good to me. I love Him!
On a practical/informational note, I have the thumbs-up from my physicians, family and co-leaders in ministry to resume some ministry activities. Our goal is to have me back in the saddle fully by January. Between now and then, I will resume posting Kingdom thoughts on the Transforming Truth FB page, Instagram and Twitter. I also plan to start blogging this week or next right here on this website. I have really missed writing! I am most encouraged by the clearance to begin preaching again, although in a limited capacity. I will start by resuming filming new messages in our home studio for Transforming Truth without any live audience. This will allow me to share in a controlled environment some of the things I have learned over the last six months since my cancer therapy began. Hopefully, these messages will connect with those who watch as I have heard God clearly in His word and also as the Holy Spirit has moved in and on my heart during my months of being sidelined from ministry. We will begin releasing these vids in early October on TV, the Transforming Truth website and app, and our other media streams. No more re-runs on TV for those of you who watch there!
While I will not likely resuming preaching at this calendar year, I am beginning to take small steps to retrain my voice, build endurance (yes, preaching is exhausting if it is done with passion!), and knock the rust off after going the longest period of my Christian life without sharing any messages. I will also try and take a few outside preaching engagements that I had to cancel during my battle with cancer. Our goal is for me to utilize the next few months to slowly reintegrate back into ministry so that, in January, I can rejoin our team at New Bridge in full capacity.
Our family is doing great. We felt so cared for during the last several months with the cards, emails and kindness shown to us. Amy is glad to get her husband back and there is a refreshing that has found our home life. Thanks so much for praying for us. I honestly do not know how we could have made it without the intercession of the saints.
If you are interested in receiving the new video/audio messages as soon as we release them, download the free Transforming Truth app (see the link on the home page of this website) or subscribe to the Transforming Truth YouTube page. Until then, keep an eye out for updates on FB.
Looking forward to this encouraging season of reset!
Much love,