“I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.” –Psalm 146:2 {ESV}
On Sundays, when it comes time to record some thoughts in this blog, I purpose to keep it simple. More often than not my thoughts scurry during the week and one of the delights of Sundays is that I am allowed to focus intently on just a few priorities. When I read the Psalmist’s words above I remembered how important it is to release soul-dew while the heart-cloud is still producing. That’s just a flowery way of saying that it is a good thing to render praise to God on earth while you are still alive.
We notice that the Psalmist made up his mind ahead of time that he would prioritize praise.
He knew that, in a particular sense, his praise would not be possible if he was not physically alive. Of course we understand that Heaven is filled with the praise of the redeemed in a very real sense but God’s glory is not contested in Heaven. This world is the place where the glory of God is not acknowledged properly and, therefore, the Psalmist decided that he would commit himself to magnifying God while he was alive upon earth – while he still had his being. What we read is no insignificant commitment. He declared what he would do and obligated himself to do it through the duration of his entire life. I wonder if he kept his commitment.
On a day structured for corporate praise I think upon this. Many will gather at Meadow and countless other local church houses today. Thought, planning, prayer and preparation will have taken place prior to these gatherings and the expectation is that there will be sense of community and an experience of encounter with God Himself (if you don’t expect that when you gather with the saints then your aim has dropped far too low). Loud praise will be rendered. Emotions will be engaged. Minds will contemplate the greatness of God. There will be those hard-to-define spiritual stirrings that we hope will lead to deeper roots and abounding fruit in time to come. The word of God will be proclaimed and all prepared hearts will have opportunity to hear from Heaven the wonderful words of life. With all of the preparation and expectation there is something that is beyond our control; we cannot determine nor dictate what God will do when we meet together. Will He ordain a celebratory gathering or a solemn assembly? Might there be the need for contemplative stillness or can we expect lightness and laughter? Will the sovereign God of salvation ordain a moment in time today wherein He brings the spiritual dead to life? Would He allow us to be witnesses to this greatest of all potential acts? Yes, there are many possibilities today that are well beyond our control. There is one thing, however, that I can determine to make happen…
I can fix my heart for sincere praise.
I can set my soul to render unto God proper response for the goodness of who He is and my gratitude for what He has done. Yes, I can be a worshiper any day of the week I choose. Let us not wait until tomorrow to enjoy this unspeakable privilege.
Potential worshipers, will you need to deal with the mundane today? Praise Him and you will find the monochrome turn to a color harvest. Do you have sickness which strips some of your options from you? There is an unattended altar in your heart which beckons you to come and worship. Some of you have many duties and demands upon you this Sunday – your yoke was built for two and there will be delight in that privileged work if the right One is under that yoke alongside of you. You may not have the voice for singing but do you have a heart for it? Could your menial vocal ability be the gateway to pleasure in the heart of God who loves to hear His children sing? My friends, praise is available for us all no matter what else is being denied us in the moment. Let’s follow the Psalmist and engage in it heartily today while we can. Don’t wait for another to commence this great privilege – praise is ordained for you, one among the redeemed of the Lord!