What does it mean when the writer of Hebrews says, “For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come”? As we recall that the entire Book of Hebrews is written to call those who would follow Jesus Christ to live with a constant mindset of pressing on, moving forward, refusing to shrink back and to always advance by faith, it makes perfect sense for the author of Hebrews to tell the readers that this earthly life was never meant to become our primary focus. Never.
Everything down here is transitory. It is fading. Truthfully, the earthly realm is passing away. It will be, in a manner which God alone understands, entirely buried and resurrected unto perfection.
We are destined to live forever under a new heavens and in a new earth. Yes, you understand me correctly when I tell you that nothing which you can presently see, touch, taste, hear and enjoy will remain beyond the time when God initiates the universal recreation. Every created thing will be so comprehensively overhauled or replaced that the entire coming realm of existence will be immeasurably distinct from our present reality.
“For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.” – Hebrews 13:14
Though not much detail is communicated about how this divine recreation will be accomplished, Revelation 21:1-5 leaves zero room for doubt that it is going to occur. In fact, Jesus declares in Revelation 21:6, “It is done!” The eternal state for all of us who have bowed to Him will include an everlasting domain. There will be an actual city in which we live for eternity. The glory of Jesus will be its light. No sin nor sorrow will exist there. All conflicts and loss will be no more. Every single redeemed person of faith in the promises of the God of Abraham will be forever healed, and we will exist there in a glorified body. This is the city for which we live! This is the fuller reality that motivates our present earthly lives! When the new replaces the old, no person will wonder if their life’s sacrifices, denials, cross-carryings, labors or self-renunciations were worth it. We will be living forever in the promised inheritance provided to us through the covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, because we have here no lasting city, and because we seek the city that is to come:
- We do not live for material treasures. They will all perish. All of them.
- We do not lastingly mourn when we lose things here. Everything in this life is temporary.
- We reject the notion that this life is about us. In the new city, it is all about Jesus. Therefore, by faith, we live for His glory in this present day.
- We consider daily that how we live right now is determining our capacity and role in the eternal state. All Christians will equally be present there, but not all Christians will experience it in the same way. Eternal rewards are all earned by sacrifice and service in this present age.
- We never place our hopes in temporary resources. People, governments, money, investments, possessions are all to serve the purpose in our lives of advancing the Kingdom until it comes in its fulness.
- We live as people of release. We do not live to gain things that God has already told us will eventually be destroyed. We live for that which can never be shaken.
- We live in joyful confidence that we have overcome. The coming city is ours. We will rule and reign with Christ. We are joint-heirs with Jesus. All that opposes us has an expiration date. We are victorious now because we will be victorious forever. In short, we have won.
So, on this day, we are free. We are free to detach ourselves from the exhausting task of looking for lasting meaning and hope in the things of this earthly life. We are tent-dwellers here. We are truly pilgrims passing through.
Preach this to yourself daily.
Align your normal life patterns and priorities with the truth of Hebrews 13:14.
2022 is upon us but, for the followers of Jesus, we are liberated from clocks and calendars.
Our hopes and gazes are fixed upon that which is promised to us – that which is coming to us.
We are people destined for a city to come, “to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.” {Hebrews 11:10}