Hi, everyone. Have you caught your breath since the Corona-chaos hit the globe? I think I am beginning to. All of us have been rocked by this tiny microbe that has brought the planet to a grinding halt. My own bout with cancer was already draining some of my mental resources and – BAM – then this thing hit! At Transforming Truth, we had some important choices to make, and the video below will tell you what we have decided about how Transforming Truth is going to speak freshly & relevantly into this unprecedented season in our generation. Please take a moment and watch for yourself so you can better understand why some things are going to begin very soon to look differently in everything we put out from Transforming Truth. God has made a clear path, but I do need a little help from you. It was our choice to either go under the wave that the Coronavirus sent forth, or to get on top of that wave and ride it. We have chosen to ride on top of it! Watch to learn the details about an important move that we have committed to.
– Jeff