This crazy culture is full of dark deception and frenzied with audacious lies.
From the media, the government, the elites in Hollywood and the power-gripping cabals scattered across the globe, it’s a constant sewage-stream of lies.
And I am not hesitant to declare this publicly.
Jesus Christ came to set us free from sin, and within that spiritual freedom, He also wants us to live in an outward freedom. There is no way to escape the clear principle found in Scripture that God values our freedom.
“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” – Galatians 5:1
Paul wrote that statement above to Christians – people who were already freed by the Gospel. He was concerned that they might once again become slaves of some lesser authority after having been freed by the Highest Authority in existence. Paul was speaking to them in the context of their potentially coming into some lesser religious slavery after having been liberated through the power of Christ. Later, in this same book of the Bible, Paul reveals how he responded to those who were seeking to re-enslave him and the Christians under his care:
“Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in – who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery – to them we did not yield in submission even for a moment…” – Galatians 2:4-5
Of course, there is that Gibraltar of freedom statements from Jesus Christ himself that we can anchor in when He declared in John 8:32, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” With these words we discover the eternal connection between truth and freedom.
If you lose your grasp on what is true, you will soon forfeit your experience of freedom. This is an inalterable Kingdom principle. The enemy knows this to be true and, consequently, he has always advanced an aggressive agenda to distort, dilute and destroy whatever is true.
Sadly, many Christians today are cooperating with this agenda by believing the lies abounding in the culture and actually aligning their lives with those who are patently deceptive.
If you think the American culture has the truth, you are foolish.
If you think the government tells you the truth, you are naïve.
If you believe woke to be awakened then you are in a stupefied sleep.
If you think the popular opinion in mainstream America is rooted in truth, then you are willfully blind.
If you think the media holds to truth you are…well…moronic.
I may be incapable of stopping what the culture promotes, the government mandates, what wokeness demands, the public opinion of America rallies around, or what the media propagates…but I am fully capable of refusing to give myself to any of it as TRUTH. Those freed in Kingdom truth will recognize the deceptive spirit of this age. I have been graced to be among those to whom God has shined His light. My eyes are open and my mouth will not be shut.
I am not buying it. I am certainly not bowing to it. Christians are embracing the deception in the atmosphere and their grasp on the truth is being removed.
It’s coming to the point where we must make decisions as individuals about what we will say Yes to. Freedoms are being removed for sure. None of that will be changed by our online rants and internal fuming. My counsel is for each of us as Jesus-followers to sober up, open wide our eyes of understanding, discern the clear agenda of the spirits of this age, petition Heaven for daily wisdom…and get prepared to make some extremely crucial decisions about who you are and what God has called you to do with your life.
This is no political rant. Personally, I find that type of thing beneath me because it an utter waste of time, bearing zero fruit beyond the temporary relief that venting brings. That type of communication makes no lasting difference. Praying, however, partners us with God Almighty, and that always bears fruit on one level or another. What this particular post is about is calling the people of God to discern what is coming. Soon, there will be no fence for us to continue to straddle. You might as well get off it now and ask God to tell you what you need to be doing with your remaining days. Those who remain blissfully ignorant and deception-drunk will succumb.
You won’t find me among them.