“But Moses’ hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side. So his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Joshua overwhelmed Amalek and his people with the sword.” – Exodus 17:12-13
Occasionally a leader must acknowledge his need for aid even though our hearts want to be the givers of assistance, the ones releasing strengthening to others in need. Pastors are much more comfortable with offering help than they are with requesting it for themselves. Sometimes humbling seasons of life no longer offer a pastor an option of carrying on any further without requesting some friends, some colaborers, some fellowsoldiers and some loved ones to hold up his hands until the battle be won.
Now is that time for me.
I’ve enjoyed a tremendous thirteen days of physical recuperation while being on vacation with my precious three. My body is rested and I feel more physically refreshed than I have in close to three years. Being away with Amy and the children has been a beautiful experience for all of us and we made memories that will be there when silver hairs find my crown. Yet, candidly, my mind and heart have been heavy in the last 48 hours as I think of my calling, my pastoral ministry, very real challenges which face us at Meadow and what my role is to be as we move forward as a local body of believers. There are some giants in the valley taunting me and I feel at times as though I have misplaced my sling and my stones. Tomorrow, Saturday June 30th, I’m heading for a secluded place in the hills of North Georgia with nothing more than a bagfull of resources that I intend to employ as I spend four days seeking the face of God. This is anything but a continuance of my vacation. For me, this is war and I will not presume to go to battle without asking some of you – any of you – to lift up my hands so that the Greater Joshua might gain a victory for me and the flock whom I love. Below is a very short list of specifics that I humbly ask that you intercede for on my behalf. I don’t intend to be online and this post I am now writing will likely be here until Sunday July 8th. I told Amy that My heart is heavy because what is on the line is important; yet I am not defeated in mind or spirit because the very thing I am going to do is something God commands me to do. I fully expect that when we cry out, He will answer in His perfect way. He is glorious and I know that these days will lend some form of profit to His Kingdom work in me and through me. I also know that, in some way, I stand in need of Aarons and Hurs to aid me. If you will join with me please consider lifting up the following:
- A focused mind which will stay patiently listening before Him for the four days
- Protection from the enemy who hates what I am doing more than anything I’ve committed to in the last 24 months. He WILL fight
- A refusal to be satisfied too early in the fast and praying. I have seen in me in the past a tendency to “get a golden nugget” from God and declare success prematurely instead of disciplining myself to wait further upon Him
- Vision and practical steps to counter the financial challenges facing Meadow
- A commitment to know what is my responsibility in the church and what is not
- A willingness to obey God even if He speaks to me in ways differently than I had assumed
- A resurgence of my personal joy and an increase in my relational kindness and agape love
Blessings to you,
You are in our prayers nearly every day, however with your suggestions, we are so happy
to know exactly what you’re ask of Him at this time. Be blessed, because you are loved first by Him and also because we, your church, love you as well.
Also praying. Isaiah 65:24.
I have been encouraged to add fasting to my personal prayers as well.
My sweet Pastor Jeff. My heart hurts for all that is on your plate & will be in prayer for & with you, especially in these next 4 days as you diligently seek His face. May I be so bold as to remind you of our recent study of the leader Hezekiah. As a matter of fact, you are employing exactly what you pointed out to us that King Hezekiah did as you are aware of 1) the enemy’s consistent timing & that he wants all the progress you have made for God’s glory. You are using the same 2) counter tactics that our Lord has supplied us with as believers a & d) discerning the battle & determining it is necesary b) dialoging with the trustworthy (us, LOL – thru ur blog) & c) assessing your vulnerability (sharing openly & honestly your prayer needs). I pray that I somehow have tranferred some of my courage thru to you as ENcouragement in also reminding you of 3) the Communicated TRIUMPH of the King. Of your being calculated, coinfident & convincing. And remember, you said it yourself, our King IS on the throne!! And as 2 Chron 7 says “Be strong & courageous. Be not afraid or dismayed before the king (satan) of Assyria & all the horde that is with him, for there is Another with us greater than [all those] with him.” – especially in these next 4 days. Looking forward to your coming back renewed & refreshed in Him. Be blessed & be a blessing always (all ways) my Pastor as I attempt to be an Aaron and a Hur for you. With love Valerie.
Standing with you, brother
Praying for you.
Lifting all of you in prayer.
Count me in.