Wednesday nights around Meadow have been uniquely blessed of God in recent weeks. Sensing His leadership to overhaul our approach to the Wednesday gathering, we have placed an emphasis on immersing ourselves as one in a purposed time of connecting with God and with one another. Believe me, our IMMERSE Services are anything but fancy or impressive. Perhaps this is part of the reason that God seems pleased to bless us with His manifest presence and we sense that this is just the beginning of what He intends to do among us. This Wednesday is the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in our nation and we will be humbling ourselves before God on behalf of our country and practicing what God communicated to the Hebrew people around 3,000 years ago in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Most of us can recite these words from memory:
“If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Our actual focus text this Wednesday will be from Psalm 33 but the entire service will carry the spirit of the 2 Chronicles verse above. We may designate a couple of our prayer groups for other needs but the majority of us will be seeking God’s mercy and continued grace for our nation which has not seemed to eager in recent years to seek His face nor obey His will. I want to invite any of you who can come to be our guest, joining with others in the Family to seek the favor of God in these times of international political upheaval and domestic uncertainty. Our President and Congress desperately stand in need of our prayers and there is nobody else whom God will hear apart from those who have been granted righteous access to His throne through the merits of Jesus Christ. If we are not praying, who is? These are no days for the faint of heart and that is why we must seek the covering of the God whose infinite heart is always stout. Please share this post with Facebook Friends and/or twitter followers by clicking on one of the icons to the right. Let’s humble ourselves, call on God for repentance and protection and take steps toward inviting revival to this staggering country. He has awakened America before. My hope is that there will be a second occurrence of this.
Join me this Wednesday 9/11 at 7 PM at:
Meadow Baptist Church
1446 Calvin Davis Circle
GA 30043